~storage is found everywhere...behind my antique sofa, that was originally purchased to sell at Chartreuse Pear..i just couldn't sell & brought it home...(at times i miss Chartreuse Pear...most of all i miss the friendships formed there).. is a table/work space/storage space...
~i love these deer mounts...when my boys were little, we took a family hunting trip to texas...what's important to them...deserves a place of honor with me...the wheat came from my grandparents farm in kansas...my son gave me a signed book from the blue dog artist, george rodrigue...
~i love my family...so i always want to have an inviting spot for them...these chairs/ottoman came from my parents home in houston...growing up, my mom would study her bible each morning in these chairs..now, it's where my husband joey reads his bible each morning...i love my vintage china...love it!...this armoire is filled with supplies..i handpainted it many years ago, as i did with other pieces in the room...the pheasant feathers were from a family pheasant hunt in missouri...
~..this big, beautiful desk is from my father's office...you can't see it, but there is a beautiful rush seated french chair behind the desk...it makes me feel special when i sit in it...currently, i have my louisiana collection hung behind my desk/computer/printer space...
1 comment:
Hey Mrs. Lori!! I love to get to see your work space; God has obviously inspired you in that space :o) Thanks for posting on our little blog! It's so beautiful to get to catch up and stay in touch. Thanks for being such a shining, gentle light. Love you!
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